Data Recovery Services for All Apple Devices
We can extract information from all media storage at our iMac Data Recovery Lab Dubai
Laptop Hard Drives
Liquid damaged iPhones
Physically damaged USB flash drives
SD & microSD cards
WD MyPassport
Desktop Hard Drives
External Hard Drives
USB Hard Drives
RAID configurations
IMac Service Centre Certified Technicians will perform a full diagnostic on your mac hard drive to check for hardware related problems. We will also determine condition and severity level of data recovery. Diagnostic is free of charge with any aproved recovery.

Free Diagnostic

Data Recovery
At IMac Service Centre technician will diagnose a failed hard drive for corresponding level. Level 1 and Level 2 are considered recoveries from logical failures. Level 3 is considered a recovery from hardware failure. Once data is recovered, a IMac Service Centre Technician will transfer the recovered data, to a corresponding desired hard drive and or transferred to you corresponding osx installation.

Level 1 : The drive is recognized by the osx system, but you cant access files on i t. This may include deleted files, damaged or corrupt partition structures, and virus or spyware infections.
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Level 2 : Your drive appears to your computer system as corrupt, as incorrect drive size, or it doesn’t appear at all.
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Level 3 : You hear clicking or other unusual sounds, the hard drive isn’t spinning or the drive appears to be dead.
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Black Diamond Computer LLC
iMac Service Centre.
Khalid bin waleed Road,
Opp Aster Medical Jubile Centre,
Bur Dubai, UAE
Email: [email protected]
Call or Whatsapp : +97150-4293879